My name's Maddie, I'm a British student who did a year abroad at the University of Southern Mississippi. August 2011-May 2012.

May-June I'm traveled around a bit

Here is the account I kept of it all, for the memories, my family and the people who get sent here randomly by a search engine. It was often typed quickly so the spelling, structure and grammar isn't always correct (sorry Mum).

To contact, leave a comment.

Saturday 4 February 2012

I've heard from many people that the weather in Europe is terrifyingly cold and icy. I'm very glad I'm not at Keele, the land of cold, right now. I'm still quite unamused about the first time I visited it with the Mum, after I'd accepted an offer.. "brrr it's cold here today!" I turned and said to her, "Oh! It's always really cold here, didn't you know that?" she said with a mad grin on her face.

Well Hattiesburg certainly isn't cold, it's actually reminiscent of British mid-summer right now...

... with Manchester rain. We put our laundry in the dryer, ten minutes later Noah's Ark 2 began and we haven't collected it yet :|

But life is more than just weather... this week I've had a LOTTA fun (and did a lot of work, don't worry I am studying)

I'm so glad we got an apartment, it has allowed us to have people round whenever we want, the opportunity to bake cakes AND we can walk around our rooms past 9pm without a creepy note appearing on our door asking us to be silent from the people below.

My friend Jill asked me to try out an American accent, I'm not as good as it as I thought

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