My name's Maddie, I'm a British student who did a year abroad at the University of Southern Mississippi. August 2011-May 2012.

May-June I'm traveled around a bit

Here is the account I kept of it all, for the memories, my family and the people who get sent here randomly by a search engine. It was often typed quickly so the spelling, structure and grammar isn't always correct (sorry Mum).

To contact, leave a comment.

Sunday 13 November 2011


HEY I've entered a photo contest which ends on the 15th- if you have Facebook, could you click on any of these photos (<hover over) and 'like' them? :) 

Rosie, Sybs and I

It's been a pretty eventful week all over town. Tuesday was voting day. The main thing everyone was really involved with was Prop 26, which would make contraceptive pills and abortion illegal in the state of Mississippi. It lost to a 56% No majority and it was very interesting watching it all as an outsider, from a country where the current government altering just the counseling requirements has caused outcry. We kept getting asked to vote/if we'd voted which eventually got a bit irritating as it should be obvious that non-citizens of the US are not eligible for US rights.

Thursday we went to Lazer Tag for Victoria's birthday, the second time in a month and I think I'm pretty lazer tagged out now... I always get a bit too involved with the game and competitive... I may or may not have yelled rude things at a random stranger that shot me.

Friday Sybs and I put the deposite down for our apartment for next semester, which we did with glee because the morning acted as a great reminder as to why we're leaving dorms. I spilled a bottle of bleach and the windows are screwed shut, so we basically had to spend the day seeking refuge from fumes.
We're also excited about being able to cook our own food. I thought the frustration of washing up and the luxury of not finding moldy items in the fridge would be worth the money but the meal plan is so restrictive and in all honesty is not the slightest value for money... there was a 'salad' this week in the 'salad' bar that consisted of grated carrots, marshmallows and glacier cherries. ! Errk.

In the evening we went Downtown to Eaglepalooza, a music event and pep rally. An act called Karmin were suppose to play but were replaced last minute. We got really cold and bought some hot chocolate which I'm certain had liquidated bananas in it. Bananas don't belong in drinks. It was a fun evening and the music was pretty good. And on the drive home we saw an owl! Just perched there, enjoying life. Sybs spotted it but didn't know the word for it so was like "Oh look guys! There's a big bird that is!... a brown bird?! Look! I know what it's called in French!'

The weekend was spent in New Orleans, but that's another blog post...

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